Need more time to pay taxes? All taxpayers should file on time, even if they can’t pay what they owe. This saves them from potentially paying a failure to file penalty. Here are four tips for those who can’t pay their taxes in full by due date: File on time and pay as much as… Read More

1.Missing or Inaccurate Social Security Numbers 2.Misspelled Names 3.Filing Status Errors 4.Math Mistakes 5.Errors in Figuring Tax Credits or Deductions 6.Incorrect Bank Account Numbers 7.Forms Not Signed 8.Electronic Filing PIN Errors 9.Filing with an expired ITIN… Read More

Here are some basic tips to keep in mind when selecting a tax professional: Select an ethical preparer. Taxpayers entrust vital personal data with the person preparing their tax return, including income, investments and Social Security numbers. Review the tax return and ask questions before signing. Taxpayers are legally responsible for what’s on their tax… Read More

If Only Folks Had Remained Silent on Silent Returns: Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) is still fully in effect. The IRS’s announcement on silent returns means that they will continue to accept e-filed tax returns that are “silent” on whether or not a taxpayer was insured under employer coverage, met the personal mandate requirement or paid… Read More

1. Evaluate any life changes you’ve had this year. 2.Get you tax documents and financials in order. 3. Reduce your taxable income-legally. 4. Looking for a new job? Now’s the time to get one. 5. Contribute to your retirement accounts. 6. See your doctor or dentist. 7. Make charitable contributions for the holidays.… Read More