Report name changes. Married or divorced taxpayers who change their name should notify the Social Security Administration. They should also notify the SSA if a dependent’s name changed. Taxpayers need to do this so that when the taxpayer files next year, the new name on the tax return matches. A mismatch between the name on… Read More

After a disaster, many business owners might need to reconstruct records to prove a loss. This may be essential for tax purposes, getting federal assistance, or insurance reimbursements. Here are four tips for businesses that need to reconstruct their records: To create a list of lost inventories, business owners can get copies of invoices from… Read More

Taxpayers who get an unexpected or unsolicited phone call from the IRS should be wary – it’s probably a scam. Taxpayers who don’t owe taxes or who have no reason to think they do should follow these steps: Use the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration’s IRS Impersonation Scam Reporting web page to report the… Read More

Like many states, the NC529 Plan is a tax-advantaged, state-sponsored education savings plan. NC’s 529 offers investment options covering a range of risk strategies, from conservative to aggressive. A 529 Plan lets you choose how and when to invest the funds. You can be as hands-on or as hands-off as you choose to be with… Read More

Do not panic. Simply contact Pamela L. Nickles at Expert Tax Solutions, or 336-907-3384. Do not ignore the letter. Respond timely. If a notice indicates a changed or correct tax return, review the information and compare it with your original return. Taxpayers must respond to a notice they do not agree with. There is… Read More

A taxpayer married. Their relationship was described as “on-again, off-again.” At some point, the taxpayer and his wife were again separated and undergoing divorce proceedings. On his tax return, the taxpayer claimed a dependency exemption deduction for his children, earned income tax credit, the child tax credit, and the head of household filing status. The… Read More

Business rate per mile                              $0.53 Medical and moving rate per mile         $0.17 Charitable rate per mile                            $0.14 Depreciation rate per mile                        $0.25   Vehicle Expenses and Office in Home: In general, the cost of commuting from home… Read More

HRA: A health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) is an employer sponsored plan that reimburses the cost of qualified medical expenses incurred by the employee. Similar to n accountable plan, the employee submits receipts to the employer for proof of medical costs, and the employer reimburses the employee for such costs up to a maximum dollar amount… Read More

The Internal Revenue Service has created a special new page on to help taxpayers determine if a person visiting their home or place of business claiming to be from the IRS is legitimate or an imposter.   IRS employees do make official, unannounced, visits to taxpayers as part of their routine casework. Visits usually… Read More